Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bullying: A Hot Issue in Special Education

According to the article,"Special Education Law Blog: Bulling: A Hot Issue in Special Education", disability based bullying seems to be increasing rather than decreasing (Gerl, 2011). When I took a class, Special Education Law, we were told by the professor, that if the person doing the bullying is a special education student and the behavior is caused by the disability, they look at the behavior differently. There is a new government website that provides students, teachers, administrators and others with tools to end the bullying. This website is at: The website where I got the information about the bullying issue is at:
Another article that links back to this article is:  Bullying Among Children and Youth with Disabilities and Special Needs at: I plan to take a closer look at this article as well. I want to know as much as I can about the issue of bullying since it is on the rise.

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